Gambling Disorder and Addiction
What exactly is Gambling? Gambling is basically the act of wagering something of worth on an uncertain occasion with an intention of winning something else in return. Gambling therefore requires three key components to be in place: risk, consideration, and a win. If any of these components are missing in a gambling game, the game can be said to fail at the basic fundamental requirements.
In order to properly put a gambling system together, you must first have some way to specify when you are planning to gamble, how much money you are willing to lose, and how much consideration you are willing to give to the risk/reward relationship. There is no point in having a plan to win if you are not willing to lose the same amount of money you would if you were to lose. Similarly, it is pointless to plan how you are going to bet if you don’t have any idea of what odds are for each bet. Without this knowledge, the likelihood that you will be successful at the bets you place becomes extremely slim.
Gamblers of the late twentieth century have been lumped into two categories, depending on whether they placed a lot of weight on the odds or not. Those gamblers who place a lot of weight on the odds have been known to be called “charlatans” and “profiteers”. These gamblers have often been called to account and have received in fines for fraud and/or gambling may even be a capital offence depending on where the scam was carried out. Whilst there have been a lot of improvements in Gambling law over the last few years and the number of people charged for a range of offences has also decreased, the perception is still that Gambling is against the law. This stigma still remains.
There are also a lot of people who feel that by gambling they are cheating on their lovers, partners or family members out of money that would otherwise have been theirs. This however is not true. In the first place, gambling is simply a chance and everyone should have the right to gamble as they see fit. Many gamblers who are labelled chasers are actually quite normal, rational and normal people. They are the ones that would never consider cheating, no matter what type of consequences that might arise. On the other hand, problem gamblers tend to have a more skewed view of the world and see things that aren’t there.
Problem gamblers can be dealt with by professionals; Gamblers Anonymous is an excellent resource for this type of person and gamblers in general. Gamblers with stolen funds can also be dealt with by law enforcement. You can get help to deal with your debt through Gamblers Anonymous, as they have a helpline you can call for advice. There are also organisations that offer legal advice to those who gamble unethically and those who have stolen funds from their accounts.
The good news about the gambling disorder gamblers experience is that it is fairly easy to treat, especially with professional help. If your gambling money is secure at home and away from others, then that’s a big step forward in treating your gambling disorder. If however you are gambling with your family and friends, then your best bet is to seek treatment for it as soon as possible. The sooner you start the better, as it’s only when you are gambling with your close ones that a serious effect will be seen and you could find yourself going down the path to addiction.